Alongside this handy information, bring characters with healing powers like Happy Jam or Cupcake.Attempt to utilize Gift Boxes while in combat, as Spring Bonnie perpetually uses Happy Jam 2.Please keep note that Shadow Freddy, while battling, disables all fighting-related Chips and Bytes, meaning there is no need for strong Bytes or Chips to be equipped during the boss battle.Fredbear uses Mimic Ball and Prize Ball, Spring Bonnie uses Happy Jam 2, and Shadow Freddy uses Esc Key. All be it, you might have to complete the game to gain the strength to fight them. The Shadow Freddy, Fredbear, and Spring Bonnie fight is frequently hard to players, even after completing the game. Once purchasing all Bytes Shadow Freddy has to offer, this locked area will be unlocked with Shadow Freddy guarding a button. Located on the bottom left area of Choppy's Woods, there will be a locked gate with a button inside of it. The fight can be located after interacting with the Shadow Freddy guarding the button seen in Choppy's Woods, not the one who sells the Medpod Bytes.